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Physimax - Uncover your unique movement





版本需求:Android 4.0.3 以上版本



Physimax - Uncover your unique movement profile(圖1)-速報App

Physimax is the best way to improve your performance and avoid injuries in the sport you love the most, by uncovering your unique musculoskeletal profile.

No matter which sports you’re into, whether it is basketball, soccer, running or cross-fit, with Physimax you can uncover injury risk factors and performance insufficiencies in a matter of minutes!

Capture your unique body movement patterns, gain immediate insights about your movement profile, and get a personalized training program according to it.

Want to know how well you’re doing? With Physimax app you can also compare your scores to your friends, your team and other athletes in your sports.

Physimax - Uncover your unique movement profile(圖2)-速報App

So - how does Physimax work?

After you went through the assessment, just enter your user name and password, and you can start the Physimax experience:

• Gain immediate insights: see how you rank in mobility , stability, strength and technique are ranked

• Identify if you are in risk for an injury and if you have athletic performance inefficiencies

Physimax - Uncover your unique movement profile(圖3)-速報App

• Compare your scores to your friends/team

• Get a training program based on your unique movement profile that and improve your performance/avoid injury

• Track your progress after each assessment

Physimax - Uncover your unique movement profile(圖4)-速報App

Elite Sports Organizations are already using Physimax:

Physimax serve elite pro-sports clubs and high-performance organizations such as: NBA Indiana Pacers (Who became the #1 team in the NBA in the least amount of dollars lost due to injury), US Army, US Marines, top Div-1 colleges e.g. UMD, Syracuse, UCONN.

Physimax technology was scientifically validated and routinely used by the following top academic US institutes: University of North Carolina, University of Connecticut and the US Military Academy at West Point.

Physimax - Uncover your unique movement profile(圖5)-速報App